Privacy Policy

If you’ve clicked on this link, you’re probably concerned about what information this website collects about you and what’s done with it. Below is a short summary that provides an overview. Please don’t hesitate to contact Jeff Toister with a specific question or concern.

The big picture explanation is cookies aren’t used to track your personally-identifiable information. However, there are a few ways that cookies are used on a limited basis to track your interactions with this website. Here are the specific applications.

Google Analytics
If you’re not familiar with it, Google Analytics is an awesome tool that helps website owners tailor their content to the needs of their audience. It works by reporting aggregate data about how many people visited the website and which content areas are the most popular. Google Analytics has their own privacy policy, which you can read about here.

This website is hosted by Squarespace. Similar to Google Analytics, it uses cookies to provide a summary of activity on the website but does not track or report personally-identifiable data.

Personal Information
There are certain applications on this website that request your personal information in order to provide you with specific content. These applications include the book updates sign-up form and the Contact Jeff Toister page, and may include additional applications in the future.

The personal data collected in this manner is only used for its intended purpose. For example, if you sign up for the informative, entertaining, and very helpful Customer Service Tip of the Week, the information you provide will only be used to send you the weekly tip via email.

Your personal information is never shared with any third party unless it is specifically necessary to provide the content you requested. For example, the super-helpful Customer Service Tip of the Week email that provides practical tips to help you improve customer service is powered by a third-party vendor. Thus, your contact information is shared with this vendor solely for the purpose of delivering the awesome customer service tips delivered via email that you specifically requested. Vendors like this are all vetted to make sure they have their own privacy policies that ensure they won’t use your personal information for any reason other than providing outstanding content like the Customer Service Tip of the Week email that I may have mentioned.

What else do you want to know?
Be sure to contact Jeff Toister if you have any additional questions or concerns about privacy